
Allowed apps are references to applications that have been added by the user or a recipe. This enables a recipe to install or remove an app. It's therefore important only to run trusted and audited recipes. The functions you can use are getAllowedApps, setAllowedApps and removeAllowedApps.

The cmd function acts as gatekeeper to external executables. This gives the user more control and awareness over what applications are used and allowed.

Check each function below for details and examples.

A function to quickly check if the dependencies in the given string list are available and installed.
calls the reference linked to a whitelisted app or the path provided in the 1st argument
gets the path of an allowed app from the app settings
removes an allowed app and path in the app settings
sets the path of an allowed app in the app settings
Will try to execute the reference linked to a whitelisted app or the path provided in the 1st argument as sibling process. It is used to start services or installers. `Added since core v0.4.1`