File operations
File existence should be checked before writing to any path
- appendFile
- adds data at the end of a file
- chmod
- changes a file's permissions on the OS file system. use with care and only when needed.
- copyFile
- copies a single file
- deleteFile
- deletes a file from the OS file system
- fileExists
- check if a file exists on the system
- fileWritable
- check if a file path is writable or protected
- findFile
- searches a file on the OS file system
- getFileBytes
- check the amount of bytes of a file
- getFileSHA256
- Get a hex string representing the SHA256 of a file.
- getPathInfo
- get an object with basic details of a file path
- readFile
- load a complete file as string
- readFileBase64
- load a complete file as string in base64 encoding
- renameFile
- rename an existing file
- revealPath
- Open the given path in the OS finder/explorer to show to the user. (Added since core v0.4.1)
- writeFile
- writes/replaces data to a (new) file
- writeFileBase64
- write a complete file from a base64 encoded string
// read and write text data to a file
function TestReadWriteFile()
var filepath = folders.temp + gvar.pss + "scribble.txt";
var contents = "testing 123 !";
writeFile(filepath, contents); // writing to file
echo(readFile(filepath)); // reading back contents
appendFile(filepath, contents); // append to file add the test string again
echo(readFile(filepath)); // reading back contents
// load and save a file as base64 string. handy for handling raw data
function TestReadWriteFileBase64()
var filename = openFileDialog("select a file to load as base64", folders.home, "");
base64data = readFileBase64(filename); // loads all data as base 64 string
var filename_out = saveFileDialog("select a save location", folders.output, "");
writeFileBase64(filename_out, rawdata);
// Use a wildcard to find a test file in a folder
function TestFindFile()
var filepath = folders.temp + gvar.pss + "scribble.txt";
writeFile(filepath, "testing 123 !");
var startfolder = folders.temp;
var wildcardPattern = "scri*";
var r = findFile(startfolder, wildcardPattern);
for(var i=0; i < r.length; i++)
echo("found filepath " + i + ": " + r[i]);
// create a file to copy and rename. and check if the file exists
function TestFileFunctions()
var f1 = folders.output + "\\test1.txt";
var f2 = folders.output + "\\test2.txt";
var f3 = folders.output + "\\test3.txt";
echo("writeFile: " + writeFile(f1, "test"));
echo("copyFile: " + copyFile(f1, f2));
echo("renameFile: " + renameFile(f2, f3));
echo("fileExists: " + fileExists(f3));
echo("fileWritable: " + fileWritable(f3));